2020 - Social Media Concept - Drafts and Finals, Graphic Design
Wahlkampfspot Europawahl 2019, Illustrationen für Animation, Greenewdeal Petition
" What if we could save mother earth by simply growing our food indoors - super locally ? yes, at home.
A futuristic hightech but hippiesque lifestyle promoting the salvation from hunger as well as equality and love. We can change the world, we can be better. Let's buy a PlantaFutura and get rid of traditional agricultural cruelty. We will eat smart and get all our nutrients from engineered plants and insects. Yes maggots feed us all the protein we need. Only traditional irrational humans would be irritated by their primitive, physiological reaction to maggots. We rational people will cherish the heavenlike salvation to our planets food crisis. Praise the holy technoplant. "
In order to convince humanity of PlantaFuturas undeniable benefits we need a powerful imagery. Can we turn something that is unappealing to us- into something holy ?
Planta Futura is visual study about Zeitgeist, occultism, religion and Propaganda